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The international advanced training course (CIP - 8 months)


Application forms for the admission 2022-2023

The international advanced training course

  1. Description and audience
  2. Curriculum
  3. Admission condition
  4. Registration fees

Description and audience

The international development cycle (8 months) allows experienced executives of foreign public administrations, occupying positions of responsibility and endowed with a potential for development and influence, to become familiar with all facets of public management. in France and in Europe.

A welcome phase and preparation for the internship is offered in a French administration equivalent to that of the country of origin or in line with the student's professional plan. Schooling is shared with French students in continuing education and with French officials from the Higher Cycle of Professional Improvement of Administrators.

NB: foreign nationals also possessing French nationality cannot apply for international cycles


Education at ENA in Strasbourg breaks down as follows:

  • A phase of welcoming and preparing for the internship (3 months) aimed at updating and consolidating the students' knowledge of contemporary France but also of Europe in the world and on a certain number of fundamental geopolitical questions;
  • A practical administration internship (2 months): this involves, for foreign students, being immersed in a sector of French administration related to their professional career. As a result, the internship locations are diverse (central administrations, prefectures, other decentralized administrations, local authorities, public establishments, etc.).
  • A common education phase (3 months) with French civil servants from the Higher Cycle of Development of Administrators in permanent training. This period is a phase of deepening knowledge, analysis, forward thinking and work in small groups with French officials promoted to the "external tour".

The training leads to an international diploma in public administration with the mention "International development cycle". It can be completed, in parallel, by one of the following two masters:
1 - Professional Master 2 Comparative Administration and Public Management (ACGP)
2 - Professional Master 2 Public Administration and International Affairs

Admission condition

  • you do not have French nationality;
  • you have monthly resources at least equal to 1,500 euros per month, grants included where applicable;
  • you are a civil servant, public official or, in a very exceptional case, you provide proof of a professional project in the public service for the benefit of your country of origin;
  • you have a master's degree 1 or an equivalent course associated with the exercise of higher-level responsibilities for civil servants;
  • you have an excellent command of the French language both orally and in writing;
  • you are fluent in English;
  • you have passed the selection tests organized by ENA.

Registration fees

The training is paid: € 4,000
Accommodation and training costs are the responsibility of the student. They are valued at € 1,400 per month.
A scholarship from the French government can be requested from the French Embassy. It can also be sought from a national or international, public or private institution, or even from the government which presented the candidate.
Master registration fees: for students wishing to follow one of the two Master courses, the payment of registration fees to the university concerned (approximately € 260) is added.
NB: French government scholarship students are exempt from university registration fees.

Schedule CIL, CIP and CiIRA

  • Online registration from October 6 to November 19, 2021
  • Selection of candidates on file (by ENA) from November 22 to December 3rd, 2021
  • Transmission to the embassies of the list of candidates to be summoned for writing from December 6 to 17, 2021
  • Written tests organized from January 10 to 16, 2022 by the embassy services
  • Oral tests organized from March 14 to April 8, 2022 by the embassy services
  • Final selection committee: May 2022
  • The start of the IRA and CIL cycle is scheduled for September 1, 2022
  • The start of the CIP is scheduled for December 2022