Masters' degrees in Public management and Administration
Since 2013, this Master’s Degree is open to foreign students already enrolled in ena’s Long International cycle.
This programme is jointly organized by the ENA and the Institute of Political Studies which is part of Strasbourg University.
The master’s programme is based on the principal curriculum followed by the Long International cycle students in ENA, which includes courses on management, monitoring and evaluation of public policies, European and International questions.
The additional curriculum specific to the Master’s degree :
The complementary courses given by teachers from Strasbourg University deal with economic and financial administration and are intended to give precise and complete knowledge in this field, from a national and European perspective, with a comparative approach. This curriculum, which represents a total amount of 84 hours, includes the following:
- "Introduction to public administration" (Major legal systems, compared administration, special administrative law, public finances and public accounting, administrative science)
- "Administration and the economy" (public procurements, public-private partnerships, business and commercial management, control and regulation of the economy)
- "Administration and finances" (rules and governance mechanisms in public finances, the basics in management control and public performance monitoring)
These courses represent the first 3 Teaching Units. The fourth unit is the production of an 80 page thesis on public administration, supervised by a faculty member from Strasbourg University, presented during the oral defense in front of a jury composed of a faculty member from Strasbourg University and a member of the ENA academic staff.