Themes of intervention
They reflect the fundamentals and recent developments in public management: European careers, governance and policies; European and international diplomacy and negotiations.
They are approached from the perspective of professional practice, and in their latest developments.

Public service, management and leadership
With a particular focus on leadership and the management of high potentials, the theme addresses the issues facing all public sector managers today.

- Management of high potentials, leadership in administration
- The responsibilities of the manager, change management, communication
- Evolution and Modernization of the Public Service
- The career of civil servants (recruitment, training, skills management, evaluation, mobility)
- Digital technologies and e-government ("e-governement")

Institutions and public policies
The role of institutions is discussed from the perspective of public policy implementation: strategy, planning, interministerial coordination, and sectoral policies.

- Evolution and modernization of the role of the State
- Governmental work and interministerial consultation
- Organization of parliamentary work
- Design and evaluation of public policies, including the innovation process
- Public services
- Strategic and prospective planning
- The State-citizen relationship
- Ethics and Deontology in Administration

Economy and public finances
This theme addresses all issues related to the State's financial resources and their management and control.

- Global and strategic management of public finances
- Fiscal policy and preparation of the state budget
- Public financial control
- Public / private partnerships
- The fight against corruption

Territorial Administration
Today, territories and cities are the level of intervention at which public policies are implemented: local actors, their relationship with the State administration, and their functioning are developed in this theme.

- Land-use planning strategies
- Deconcentration and Decentralization
- The role of local authorities
- Urban policy, city policy, management of large cities
- Civil protection, crisis management and natural disasters

Building your European career project with ENA
Since 2003, ENA has acquired significant expertise in preparing for the recruitment procedures of European institutions and agencies.

Listed by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) as a preparatory center for France, the European Institutions' Competitions Preparation Service aims in particular to better inform and prepare potential candidates for the procedures for access to the European Civil Service (FPE).
The School multiplies by a factor of 8 the success of its auditors in European Union competitions. Our preparations for competitions are open to all. They do not require any diploma level requirements.
In order to prepare its candidates even better for the selection procedures of European agencies and institutions, ENA offers, in addition to its face-to-face and distance learning courses, an online self-assessment module.

Deciphering the practices of European governance
ENA's know-how is based on the setting up of professional training courses to better understand and take advantage of the European Union's methods of governance. The main areas of governance cover the institutional functioning of the Union, negotiation techniques and influence strategies at work within the Union. Our practical training courses enable participants to master the functioning of these systems and, through practical case studies or negotiation simulations, to develop the knowledge and skills required.

- Institutional functioning and decision-making processes of the EU
- How to prepare for the Presidency of the EU Council ?
- Leverages of influence and lobbying strategies in the European Union
- The EU as a model of regional integration

Master the content of the main public policies of the European Union
ENA has developed an expertise and a network of speakers specialized in the field of various European public policies. Products have been specifically designed for practitioners who wish to master a particular European policy, whether to discover or to deepen their knowledge of regulatory systems or financial instruments.

- The European area of freedom, security and justice
- Cohesion policy and the implementation of European funds
- Challenges at the EU borders (migration and security)
- Environment and European energy policy
- The Common Agricultural Policy and the Sustainable Development Strategy
- Financial regulation

Diplomacy and International Negotiation
Diplomacy today is a profession that has completely transformed itself to integrate a strong economic dimension and multilateral negotiations, which is reflected in the themes that can be developed in this theme.

- Negotiation in an international and multicultural context
- Negotiation in the United Nations Security Council
- The evolution of the diplomatic profession
- The protocol
- Influential diplomacy ("soft power", culture, communication)
- Globalization and Economic Diplomacy