Ce site n'est plus mis à jour

L'École nationale d'administration (ENA)L'ENA a été supprimée le 31 décembre 2021.
Elle est remplacée par l'Institut national du service public (INSP)L'INSP depuis le 1er janvier 2022 insp.gouv.fr

Le contenu de ce site reste accessible à titre d'archive.

ENA's resources

Since its foundation in 1945, ENA has seen many reforms of its administration and its training programs. Its mission has been greatly enlarged, entrance examinations have become more open and democratic, and its course offerings have expanded greatly and become more sophisticated.

The record of ENA's development can be found in numerous speeches, reports, articles and books - all available at its documentation center. This is an excellent alternative source for learning about the history of the school, the many changes that have taken place there, and the issues it faces today.