Ce site n'est plus mis à jour

L'École nationale d'administration (ENA)L'ENA a été supprimée le 31 décembre 2021.
Elle est remplacée par l'Institut national du service public (INSP)L'INSP depuis le 1er janvier 2022 insp.gouv.fr

Le contenu de ce site reste accessible à titre d'archive.

An organization, a staff and its services —all available to ENA's students and teachers

Every day, about 180 people work at ENA, whether as part of the teaching staff or in its administrative, technical or support services.

Administrative personnel, researchers, archivists, pedagogical advisers, warehouse personnel, audiovisual and copying technicians all work together to ensure that the school functions well.

ENA has a permanent teaching staff of only 2, in French as a foreign language and in sports. More than 1,500 other teachers are recruited each year for all of the school’s different educational programs, coordinated by the educational directors.

ENA has 4 divisions, each headed by a director:

  • studies and research,
  • outside on-the-job training (stages),
  • international relations,
  • a general secretariat.

ENA’s activities in Paris now comprise only the international relations division and short training cycles (from two days to two months) for individuals from France and abroad.

The Board of Directors

Besides student delegates, ENA's Board of Directors, chosen for their competence, includes, among others, members of the National Assembly, the Senate and the European Parliament, reflecting the strong European and international character of the school. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is, ex officio, the Vice-President of the Council of State, the nation’s highest ranking civil servant.

The chairman and members of the Board are named in a Decree of the Council of Ministers.